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SMC will provide resources and explain:
Learn how age-friendly internet resources or digital companions can serve as a source of social stimulation for those socially isolated or physically unable to leave their homes.
Factors such as optimism, sense of control, and emotional stability have been shown to predict greater longevity and reduced incidence of chronic physical disease states. Senior Moments Care provides education and resources which promote positive life skill development. Learn how mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, sound and touch therapy can improve quality of life, even for those with advanced dementia.
Physical and mental impairments associated with advancing age can threaten independent living. SMC will educate you on the following:
Senior Moments Care will develop a home safety plan to reduce the risks for older adults living at home.
Management and treatment plans will be developed which fully engage the client or their family to ensure the highest physical functioning and best quality of life.
It is estimated that one in seven persons aged 65 years and over has a medium or high risk of malnutrition. The progression is often insidious and undetected, causing malnutrition to be under-recognized and under-treated. It leads to disease, delays recovery and increases visits to the primary care provider. Assessments will be performed which can indicate specific problems related to nutrition and assist with:
The assessment of functional status is critical when caring for older adults. Often, problems can and do go unnoticed. Many of these may be simple, day-to-day tasks such as:
The information obtained through this assessment will provide objective data that will help guide individual needs and plan for specific services such as meal preparation, nursing care, home-maker services, personal care, or continuous supervision. Functional assessments also provide a person’s baseline capabilities which facilitates early recognition of changes that may signify a need for additional resources or enhanced medical oversight.
Last, but not least, a complete medical assessment will be performed and include a thorough physical exam, medication review, and pain assessment. Successful aging is contingent upon avoiding disease and disability, sustaining cognitive and physical function and striving to achieve the best quality of life possible